Appleooz Combos

Appleooz Original and Tart Combo - the perfect mix of "sweet" and "make you pucker" tart crunchy apple chipz.  Includes free delivery with $15 min order.

Original and Tart Appleooz Crunchy Apple Chipz

Appleooz is a healthy snack that is also great to enjoy with other foods. 

Combine our crunchy apple chips with nuts, dried fruit and trail mix to create a natural energy booster for your activities.

Crunchy apple chips provide the healthy carbs with low sugar needed to energize your workouts without the "sugar crash" that often comes when using processed sugar products.

Almonds & Appleooz - where healthy protein meets healthy carbs to fuel your exercise and activities.  Take them hiking, biking, skiing, boarding and running...

We're in the process of creating some new Combo Products and would love your feedback on what types of natural foods combos you like to use with our Appleooz products.